Il Sole 24 Ore: Morgan Tecnica, an Italian excellence

In the centrefold of today’s edition of “Il Sole 24 Ore” the primary financial newspaper of Italy, a new article talks about Morgan Tecnica (English translation below)
If we think about 2008’s crisis, probably
the first image we remember are the employees of
one important Americam Merchand Bank, which sadly
went out for the last time from their offices,
taking a box with personal effects.
In that year, while the economy of everything
the world slowed almost to an half,
two brothers, Federica and Fabrizio
Giachetti, and their partner investor,
Marco Canali, decided to start
a new adventure and founded Morgan Tecnica Spa,
based in Adro, Italy, to design and build
machineries and software for cutting rooms,
in particular for spreading and cutting fabrics.
“We had the know-how, the result of a long time
experience transferred to us
from our father, Franco Giachetti, who is an
authority of innovation technology for the cutting room
who guides and inspires us every day – explains Federica
Giachetti, President of Morgan –
we had an ambitious project, that, at that time, seemed rash and unconscious,
we also had a product and a new brand, all to be built from zero,
limited resources and a negative global scenario,
but we also had a lot of conviction
and a huge enthusiasm, which we still maintain and transmit
to all of our employees, technological partners and customers,
gaining their trust day after day.
Morgan is today a multinational company,
which for the third consecutive year has
obtained the certificate from Dun & Bradstreet
of “Prime Company” for the maximum
reliability, shared only by 3% of Italian companies,
and has branches in India, Canada
and Hong Kong, to manage an export that
exceeds 90% of its production, all
strictly Made in Italy.
The average growth in this decade has exceeded the
35% in a year, and this has brought her to become,
since 2012, the first Italian manufacturer of the
its sector and to compete among the biggest players
in the world.
“A success that makes us proud too
because he did not arrive at random –
Fabrizio Giachetti, CEO, adds – but it is the
result of hard work and a good marketing strategy,
to which we have always remained faithful
and consistent. I am indeed firmly convinced
that goodwill and commitment are vain, without
a careful analysis of the market, a correct choice of positioning,
which in our case was towards the high-end, and a fair pricing policy,
that must be fair and coherent, without let yourself be dragged downwards,
for the desire to obtain easy orders, because without adequate margins,
to be reinvested in the product and in the company,there can not be growth “.
It is not however in the style of this exuberant
company to gloat in its own past and be satisfied, and indeed beyond
to confirm investments in R & D, for 2018 it also announces the goal
of a new production site, able to manage the volumes of growth that in the first
quarter of 2018 has already registered a + 50% of orders, thanks
to the launch of some new, high-quality products,
such as single ply cutter “Ply One”, which will allow
to expand the business even outside of the clothing industry and open
new and promising markets in the sector automotive, furnishing and interiors
sectors dedicated to technical materials.
Morgan Tecnica: a beautiful story of success